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Date: Thursday, 14/Jan/10, 2.45 PM | Message # 1
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
As per our January Newsletter [available on our Front page]voting has commenced to fill a few key positions with-in our community a few nominations have been recieved which will follow...

In line with our everyone is equal ethos candiates can come from any member, whereby you can put forward another member you think would benefit the community, or indeed yourself if you think you could bring something worthwhile to our community. If you think you or someone you know has the qualities needed for any of the positions below feel free to let us no A S A P, so we may add them to our candidates list....

[Note this will become a yearly fixture about this time, where all positions are filled soley upon the wishes of all participating members at that time, thus you vote these people in to best serve your community]

The positions currently up for grabs are

Webmaster/Administration - [basically my current position]
In entails looking after all of the web content, writing, designing and authoring the entire site, being responsible to our trade supporters and keeping it all together, currenly emailing companies and writing newsletters, whilst dealing with complaints, member issues and so many more i have forgotten, must be totally dedicated and willing to put in the hours...
This position takes a good few hours EVERYDAY and would require someone with good both website and computer knowledege

Secretary - The secretary would be The Webmasters right hand man/woman would be expected to take over certain key roles in writing trade emails, newsletters, helping with several areas of the website, dealing with ALL membership issues, whilst being an ambassador for the community... [there will be other areas i have mentarily foirgotten to be added] We need a dedicated man/woman to best portray what w eare all about, articulate, and able to write a well written email/newsletter [at least better than i can]
This position takes an hour or so daily Everyday, access to a computer and basic computer skills would be required [i will lead who ever wins fully]

Moderator - - A forum moderator we only require one for now to moderate over all posts being added, removing where nessesary, rewording or moving to a more appropriate area as required, covering ALL forum arreas for now, [as we susequently grow others will be added as required] We require someone dedicated to maintain a good fair standard of posting...the successful candiate would be responsible for banning, removing and warning offenders in our forums also..
This position requires an hour or so daily Everday - access to a computer obviously and basic computer knowledge. i am happy to lead and teach if needs muct....

Social Convenor - - Our Social Convenor would be responsible for arranging meets, crusies and weekend camping retreats up and down the country, on for now a bi-monthly rota, responsible for making all arrangements, conversing with the Secratary and Admin, in arranging a whole variety of THEMED events, working mostly upon your own initiative in arranging such events, taking bookings, dealing with all sides of such events, dealing with members applying to come to events, taking deposits etc etc..
This position requires absolute commitment as and when required to enable this community to grow into a social community as well as an online one....

Woman's Writer - This is a very specail position obviously only suited to our female members, to write a monthly page or two, from a womans perspective, to include items of interest to a woman, things a woman might want to read, recipes, etc etc open to all age groups and backgrounds, someone with a good sense of humour, good with people etc would best website knowledge required only an ability to work with both Word and email as webmaster would complile page for website, the successful candiate would only be responsible for getting a rough copy of said page to be named as you wish to him every month on the same day, for inclusion that month, topic issues, news items there is a vast array that could an ssahould be written about...


Added (2010-01-08, 3:24 Pm)
So what we need now is for each and every member to either nominate themselves for one of the above posts or another member, with-in that nomination tell us why you beleive either yourself or that member would be just right for the position, giving relative experience, knowledge etc [if you would rather provide such info privately feel fre to PM me]...


May the best candidates win, in a fair and democratic manner it is the future of your community that is at stake here so please help us to supply the best possible service to all our members by placing teh best possible members into key positions to enable this to happen....

VOTING CLOSES 3PM ON 8/2/2010 [exactly one month from today]

Added (2010-01-08, 3:29 Pm)
Totals so far are

Webmaster/Administation = Dougie/Admin 1 vote

Secretary = Stewart/Stew-N-Jo 1 vote

Moderator =

Social Convenor = Chas/Listensqueak 1 vote

Woman's Writer =

This table will be updated as votes come in


Added (2010-01-12, 3:57 Pm)
Come on guys we need your help on this one, if you want to be involved help us create a better community and indeed keep this one going now is your time to step forward.... cool

Added (2010-01-13, 12:54 Pm)
BUMP cool

Added (2010-01-14, 2:45 Pm)
Guys time is running out and NOT one nomination has been recieved for any of the positions available, note some will only take an hour or so of your time, and can easily be done whilst you read you e-mails etc...

You chance to become a valuable part of our team, helping to pave the way to a better community, surely that has to be worth taking part in...



T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


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