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Membership has grown steadily over the years and now meets are organised all over the UK by members for members.

The T4 – T5 Camping Club are hoping to shortly become members of ACCEO and through them we will be able to hold an exemption certificate which allows us to camp on unlicensed ground making location finding far easier in the future, as many prefer wild-camping to conventional campsites, that often provide more suitable lake, river and wild locations. 

We intend holding three definite Club meets a year, [start, mid and end of year meets] with many other themed ones dependent upon demand in betwwenn, some of which will last a few days! whilst others may last longer, all are open to ALL members, friends & family. Some are what we call 'meets with-in meets'; this is where a meet is held with-in another event or show likes of when we do BVF [British Volkswagen Festival].Each meet may well have a different theme, organiser and location, but all are run under our combined ethos & rules ensuring a safe, secure and happy time for all attending.

The majority of our meets are naturally held from March until October, but we have been known to have some later [a couple of certain frozen early March and mid November, Griezdale in the Lake District meets spring to mind here!] we through our membership try to accommodate the majority and are happy to consider any location, time or theme, meets are always held to enjoy with the company of other members. There is no requirement to attend a meet from day one or to stay until the last day, you can dip in and out as suits you, for a few hours, a day or the duration that decison is wholly up to you. 
We usually get together on site each morning and again in the evening where many a time the world has been rightfully put to rights, around our campfire [where possible] and in a huddle where not. with so many a topic thrashed out over coffee/drinks where members can discuss what wish but it always turns to their vision for the club, where they would like to see it go and such like a topic we all love to debate, as well as local and nation news [nothing really is barred so long as its suitable for the attended members at the time]. We always take on board ALL members [and often non members] opinions whenever possible, making these come to light in decisions later, you are encouraged to speak out to make yourself be heard and to most importantly help us to shape the community of which you are a member, as equals we are but caretakers of the internet side and maintain it for all.
Instead of being on your own on site, you will be given the opportunity to join others in activities, this may include local visits to nearby attractions or a walk/cycle into the nearest village to have a look around and have some lunch maybe, some of our members enjoy cycling/walking particularly and may prefer to take a packed lunch with them, and make a day of it, others just want to stock up on urgent provisions and spend a couple of hours doing so although everyone can usually be accommodated. If you want to do something entirely on your own, that's fine also we all need our own space and time on occasions!! there is bound to be something you can do with others at some point throughout the period that will be of interest to you however making friends that will stay with you throughout future meets, events and gatherings is what it’s all about and what we openly encourage….
We try our best to have some sort of cruise/photograph oppurtunity during our meets to show off our vehicles to the local community after all that’s what our common interest is and I know I myself love to show ours off, so come on lets not be shy, the next event/meet we advertise get your name down early for it and join us, we know you will not regret it, if for no other reason just to put faces to names and like the rest of our regulars take the mince out of me, why not it seems to be par for the course now, the highlight of certain nameless members meet... [all in jest of course…].