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Quick Update Guys
Date: Sunday, 22/May/11, 9.30 AM | Message # 1
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
Sharper eyed members and guests may of noticed that over the past few days that odd wee changes are taking place with the changing around and adding to forums there is a few reasons for this but mainly so as to be able at least for now to manage all from one area, those who think that running such a large, entity is easy or takes a mere 5 minutes is very much mistaken so as to keep the integrity and stability of our hard fought platform it has been a nessesary change to allow Yvonen the pups and myself to get out and use our van this summer season as we intend to it should be noted after the initial settling period those in T4 -T5 Club UK will be unaffected, the biggest change will be the final inception of our long awaited Shopping Mall [i know i know its been awaited for a while its just something always took more presidence]

So the line up will be as follows as of June 1st in no particular order:

T4 - T5 Club UK - @ -

T4 - T5 Camping Club - @ -

Shopping Mall - @

VW Auto-sleeper Club - @ - -

My formatting in this manner it makes a whole load more sense really by sharing rather than duplicating information, by propping each other up, and by meeting together it means we should as of mid this summer be able to put on a reasonable show wherever we go, as we all in all 4 main categories have a vested interest in all things T4 & T5 particularily

It may not at first sight seem that it makes sense but it does as by pulling all our lets say for sales areas together under the Shopping Mall banner lets say it means we will get much more notice taken of our other areas by visitors say searching for a T4 - T5, and Auto-Sleeper [the UK's oldest established still operating motor home manufacturer] along with parts, services and sundries whilst the same applies for our new Camping forum bringing together the entities to meet, camp and organise events togther it can and will work this way but more importantly will give a new boost of enthusiasm and vigour to our group which is much needed to say the least...

So please bear with me as i change and move the sections about it will i promise make sense when you see the finished products early June at the latest nothing will cnage for our normal activeties on T4 -T5 Club other than we would hope to be some vigourous re-marketting be bringing in a swathe of T4/T5 Transporter Auto-Sleepr owners also now to our fold...

If we have missed out anythinmg, or you have any valuable suggestions please feel free to let us know we like to involve you our members as much as is possible in all processes

For now carry on as you were using the sections you always have done ..... nothing has changed its only got better


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Saturday, 28/May/11, 12.02 PM | Message # 2
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
In just the last few days guys since re-routing the url's to specific pages we have seen at least a 10% overall rise in page transisions which given a little more time and final re-organisation we are truly hoping will bring many many more new members....

Whilst the likes of The Auto-Sleeper Portal may not be to everyones tastes, nor interests, remember of course that these guys & dolls are ALSO T4 & T5 OWNERS just like you and i so by allowing them [and indeed myself being an owner] it means we can share resources information and meets etc, boosting our overall coverage and assistance rates.....

T4 -T5 CAMPING CLUB - The intention of which is to gather those interested in camping, meets, club events likes of our three admins who up till now have attended all meets to allow everyone a chance in a semi local area to meet with other members in a large variety of ways, but in common with the other running under T4camper & T5camper domains [our original main domains] that are already well quoted and visual on search engines as we speak, that will also do its level best to bring us new members with an avid interest in camping, lifestyle and meets etc.....

The long awaited Shopping Mall is being re-designed to be part of the forum offering rather than a stand alone site, but will contain everything the concerting T4 & T5 owner could possibly want need or use, both Rob & I have worked hard over the last months on this and it will be nice to see it finally operational, which due to it operating through our volkswagen-transporter domain will i know bring in a good volume of hits to our site, these hits from search engines the world over, the idea again being the user finds our Transporter Shopping Mall and finds T4 -T5 Club UK and the rest becomes down to you guys our stalwarts our regulars and our well knowns to keep the new users active, using us and frequent like you and i.

I think suffice to say that we have now cobvered almost every angle possible in a catch all users type way and manner to build on previous sucesses and lay blocks to build off for a bright happy sociable future, whilst other groups go through one issue after another we seem to sail on oblivious to all these through great admins, good backing and lastly a great group of users this we intend to continue to encourage no matter what size we are or become size is not everything i know some think that a massive group is what is required where as we at T4 -T5 Club UK know full well quality of members, posts and threads is what makes for a good community, well reseached truthfull prosice threads

So please bear with me i only have one set of hands i only have so much time and im about to go off on holidays but i promise all will be in order before i leave, we need more than ever your support now so that we can fill some of our new sections were required our success is wholly and solely down to you our memebrs help us to build an really enviable community ..... after all it is for you...


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


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