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Avatar Issues
Date: Tuesday, 16/Jun/09, 4.10 PM | Message # 1
Group: Members
Posts: 22
Status: Offline
From: 29/May/09
Hi - I set up an avatar when i joined the site; but it desn't display properly - can't figure out how I change it?

Cheers, Martin


Singletrack Safari - Unique Mountain Biking Holidays in Europe and the UK


Date: Tuesday, 16/Jun/09, 5.12 PM | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Posts: 2343
Status: Offline
From: 20/Feb/09
And I thought that was low lying mist. biggrin


Chas! [Social Convener]


Date: Tuesday, 16/Jun/09, 5.56 PM | Message # 3
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
That makes to of us mate go into your profile hit changes and avator or send me the pic you want and i will change it for you chances are the pic is to many pixies as the system dont like large amounts fo pixies


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Wednesday, 24/Jun/09, 10.44 AM | Message # 4
Group: Members
Posts: 14
Status: Offline
From: 17/Jun/09
Thats me stuck on this - i dont have any options under my proifle that say changes or mention avatar - anywhere else this could be?




Date: Wednesday, 24/Jun/09, 11.25 PM | Message # 5
Lieutenant general
Group: Members
Posts: 773
Status: Offline
From: 24/Feb/09
Quote (wightpat)
Thats me stuck on this - i dont have any options under my proifle that say changes or mention avatar - anywhere else this could be?

your not the only one wink


Date: Saturday, 27/Jun/09, 2.25 PM | Message # 6
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
I am looking into this as we speak

Until SingleSafari said i was not aware there was a problem but be assured i'm working on it....

I should also point out as admin i see EVERYTHING differently to what members do, i was until notified not aware of an issue.
further more in most cases the user chose their own aviator when joining, as such it was their choice ????
Not all but most have done it this way, odd ones i have added as the forums look very untidy if posted in without some sort of, aviator present, i added a few after repeatedly asking those members to add one to keep our overall look....

[I replied to Singletrack when he asked, i still reckon his image is to large and have asked him to send it to me and i will upload and sort it out from this end which i do know how to do.

As with any other unsatisfied member, if you wish your aviator changed, or for that matter any other details, send them to me at and i shall change them for you, until such times as a solution can be found....

Added (2009-06-25, 6:10 Pm)
I have been in contact with our hosts and currently await an answer as to why our members cannot change aviators and information in their profiles, after finding that you are absolutely all 100% correct you can't, sadly i wasn't to know this as i see everything very different to the way a member does, a sdoes any forum Admins, Mods etc so as to be able to make changes, add, remove etc efficiently.

The only conclusive way to change your aviator, or any information held in your profiles is to do one of the follwing things, until an answer is found to allow members to self change such details

1- Send full image, or details to me direct at whereupon i will add it immediately i can for you...
2 - ONLY if you have no posts etc, re-register with fully the correct details this way getting it right...

This is why i urge everyone in our welcome email to ensure that all details are correct and if not to inform us immediately so changes can be made, in order to keep our forum, and future member areas uniform, tidy and respectable looking we would respectfully ask then that ALL members add either a picture of themselves or their personal T4/T5 to their profiles, along with all require or asked for information at registration....

Added (2009-06-27, 2:25 Pm)
Please note all aviator issues are now resolved they may be cahnged as can all details with-in your user profiles


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


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