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T5 - T5 Shopping Mall




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Date: Tuesday, 15/Jun/10, 5.37 PM | Message # 1
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
Thats right guys i am indeed seeking a Flash trained member to compile a few banners and such like for our new Shopping Mall feature soon to be unveiled..

Something a bit different, a bit away from the norm which is short in time span but big on effect which will act as its front page leading users into a veritable array of only the best of the best both T4/T5 suppliers of both parts, accessories and services as mainly reccommended by us the users it will run alongside our community here but from its own domain so compiled as to gain major hits from all good search engines which will as it is also part and parcel of our community bring us more hits which will tranfer back into more users it is hoped and a brighter livelier community all in all...

So come on all you Flash buffs, closet designers and good amatuers time to coem out to show us what you can do.....Jim [Rallybus] has already re-vamped, remade and successfully adapted our new logos so who is going to be next in line to help us out as i am absolutely US with such things, i do beleive we will have in our ranks though someone who can...

If you want to take part please contact me direct at from where the magic can happen cool

All such images used must be royality free yours to use and all your own work, Volkswagen are quite fussy about how and where their logos and identities are used we would rather stay on the right side of them!!!!

Any such completed works will be offered without charge to T4-T5 Club UK and will remain their property not able to be used elsewhere without our express permissions.....


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


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