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Weed Out Dodgy Ebay Sellers...
Date: Monday, 09/Nov/09, 11.55 AM | Message # 1
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09

I think it is a moral duty of ours to pre warn our fellow T4 T5 and indeed Volkswagen owners if and when we find dodgy, overpriced, ill described and nonsense listings on the old E-Bay, and other similar websites, E-bay is not the only one by by the nature of the beast they are the largest best know and thus attract the worst offenders..

By doing so it is intended to show these type of sellers up for exactly what they are there is no justification for mis describing a T4, if the owner knows it is worth lets say in one of my cases i have looked at recently £1850 [his reserve] he owns another one sitting immaculate next to the one he is selling what gives him the right to attempt to rip off fellow T4 owners and enthusiasts, i don't beleive anyone has the right to do so.

We know it's all about buyers being aware knowing their subject etc, this thread is not to discuss the virtues of buying from such sites, however recent events have brought me swiftly to the realisation that w eare being ripped off bigtime....

It bugs me that i have driven a total of several hundred miles to view two so misleadingly advertised vehicles that had i of just bid on either as you do, i would be sorely raging if i had of one either, in reality neither we close to how they were described, these sellers complain about buyers not following through to actually paying for the vehicle is it any wonder when this is going on..

It is undoubtedly about time that ANYONE selling a vehicle on ANY similar site should be required by law to list any and all faults taking photographs if nessesary to pinpoint and expose issues likes of rust, body damage and such like so there can be no doubt as to the vehicles true condition, ONLY then will these types of people, gain nay respect from the everyday punter likes of you and i as until they do, knowone is safe, many of these are bought by people to far away to view them, which if they bid are legaly bound to buy, or face bad reps on the site and if they use it to sell, they cannot afford that so what do they do, they have to buy it when all the time they are purposely being done it ha sto stop NOW..

Help us to weed out these conmen, help us all to know, to be better informed, to have the right information at hand these people are repeat offenders, these people know what they are doing, so come on join with me and expose them, for what they are ABSOLUTE CONMEN RIPPING US ALL OFF...

Please only post actual current ads on any sales website you see that are obviously a con, or items you have seen or indeed conmen you have come across on other websites, we have a good company bad company guide further down for reporting such cases this is only for sales likes of E-bay and others...

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T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


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