Good man it is an important thing and a stand i simply believe we really need to take, this government have to understand they are pushing us far to far. In our case on a normal weekly business/work commute that my missus used to do each and every week from here to Glasgow [ish] roughly 40 mls return trip everyday amounting to a weekly rise in fuel alone of around £5 a week let alone insurance and tax hikes on top NOT ACCEPTABLE....we still need to live, eat and stay warm........all risen likewise the knock on effects are simplt staggering.
Prices have hit a record average of £1.20p a litre and industry experts have warned the price could rocket to £1.50p this summer due to the weak pound and increased cost of wholesale fuel.
A few quotes from the weekend Rags.....
1 - When these "I have done nothing wrong" MPs (expenses etc.) have priced everyone,-- apart from the very rich off the road where are they going to get the money from to line their pockets? Will an election make any difference? No they are all the same , most of them went to university to learn the "trade" at OUR expence not like students of today who leave university with huge debts.
2 - In 1776 a war was started by British citizens against their own government because of unreasonable and unfair taxation. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
3 - Coming back from Bath on the M5 on Easter Saturday, I paid 128.9p a litre at a Shell station. I put a tenners worth in!
4 - Hauliers should protest & other car van drivers should not drive for a week this would do more harm then driving down the motorway BRING THE COUNTRY TO A STOP.
The Papers Say.......
Petrol tax rises since December 2008 have now added around 10p to the cost of a litre.
RAC motoring strategist Adrian Tink said: 'This is a dark day for motorists. Petrol prices have been rising steadily over the past year and have now reached the inevitable record high.
'In some areas motorists will be paying close 131.9p a litre for petrol.'
He added: 'With the election campaign now in full swing, Britain's hard-pressed motorists will be keen to hear what the political parties have to say about the escalating petrol prices.
'This is a key issue for motorists, who are watching their bank accounts drained every time they fill up.'
The AA said a two-car family had seen its monthly petrol costs rise from £233.32 to £254.60.
AA public affairs head Paul Watters said: 'For many drivers, today's record price underlines what they already know - the cost of petrol is becoming increasingly unsustainable.
'Comments from retailers confirm research from the AA showing that two-thirds of its members are cutting back to compensate for soaring petrol prices.'
I Say.........
That not only has every single service i use risen insurance policies with NO CLAIMS of for + 10 yrs have risen on average 10% my house insurance with no claims EVER has risen a staggering 13% whist even a loaf of bread will rise very soon if this doesn't stop we have to act and act en-masse this time no more soft touch Britian, no more scared to say what we feel, no more nandy pandy, let someone else do it for us, each and every British Citizen [and those just living here] have to now Stand And Be Counted !! Stand And Take Part In Any Polls !! and Protest At Any Rally You Can !!! let these so called caring, sharing politicians with "expense" accounts know with absolute certainty that those of us that don't have such luxuries, those of us who are normal everyday inhabitants of our fair isle can not and more importantly WILL NOT accept this again......
I as a rural resident we feel this sort of thing far worse than many town inhabitants, we are willing to not use our car for a week are YOU ??? we are willing to protest openly are YOU ??? can you imagine the power every UK based oil company has over our government if let's say our citizens i.e u and i laid down ALL our vehicles for just one week in our lives can you even begin to imagine the lost revenue that would amount to for the likes of Shell, BP, Jet and all the rest, they would have to act and act exceptionally rapidly........If the trucker truck & blocking our motorways as they do and do so very well, very organised and exceptionally effectively we need to do our bit and that is the most effective law a biding way we can react to this crippling rise....
T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)