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Is it me being paranoid?
Date: Thursday, 22/Oct/09, 11.30 AM | Message # 1
Group: Members
Posts: 12
Status: Offline
From: 20/Oct/09
Hello all, i'm new to this site, but not new to the T4 scene having been the proud owner of T4's for the last ten years.
I have recently decided to upgrade my wheels on the van as the old 15" alloys were looking a bit tired and if i'm honest, a friend who has a 1.9td turned up at work with his new alloys and i thought what the hell. Lets do it!
So i do. I'm now an even prouder owner of a nice set of black 18" rims with a red stripe. Everything is looking good. But then it seems i'm not the only one who is looking at my wheels. I come out of the supermarket car park to see a couple of lads taking an interest, but as i approach, they walk off briskly. I look out of my front room window to see a man on a push bike, looking way too closely for my liking and pointing at them with his mate. i again go out to speak to them, but they too are not keen to talk and ride off.
So i have an alarm fitted. Motion censors, microwave censors etc. I then completely clear out the garage and, with folding the mirrors in, my pride and joy has a dry and safe place to sleep...........or so i thought!! I drive lorries for a living and just as i'm driving towards the dartford tunnel, i get a phone call. I answer it (bluetooth hands free obviously) only to have my girlfriend on the other end of the phone in hysterics as there is a man in the garden trying to get in the garage!!!..........just as i enter the tunnel and lose her!!! So i'm now panicking as there is not a thing i can do from where i am.
The police are called, family is called and my girlfriend has people in the house so she feel better.
But my point is this, i have had my current van for over 4 years. Starting out as a normal panel van moving on, over the years to is current condition.
I have never had any trouble with this kind of thing before, and to be honest, there really isn't any other evidence of anything else other than me being paranoid.
Is it me, or just because i have spent a lot of my own hard earned money on the only thing that i really enjoy (girlfriend aside) others feel they have the right to take it?
Paranoid?? I'm not to sure!!

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Don't annoy the duck!!


Date: Thursday, 22/Oct/09, 11.54 AM | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Posts: 2343
Status: Offline
From: 20/Feb/09
Hey Fatdog that's an awful feeling I know. There are places I won't leave the van and it does have signs of an attempted break in from before I got it. I try not to leave anything on show but stereos amps and stuff can't be taken out easily. I have the usual McGard locking nuts for my wheels but no alarm as yet.
My garage is not tall enough to take the van so it has to sit on the drive. I always figure if someone wants to take it, they will. I have had a car stolen in the past so now I am resigned to that fact. No sense in beating yourself up over something out of your hands but I would be worried if someone was trying to get in my garage all the same. I'd much prefer to be allowed to protect my property in a way the government and the courts don't allow but that's another story. All we have is insurance and even that is not guaranteed to pay out nowadays.
It's just a reflection of the society we live in mate and something we have to grin and bear. Paranoid? No, just concerned like the rest of us who have worked to pay for what we enjoy.


Chas! [Social Convener]


Date: Thursday, 22/Oct/09, 4.40 PM | Message # 3
Major general
Group: Members
Posts: 311
Status: Offline
From: 20/Feb/09
angry I ecko totally what Chas has said. (baseball bat might be a useful Christmas pressie!!)


Stewart & Joan
Living the Dream!!


Date: Friday, 23/Oct/09, 12.51 PM | Message # 4
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
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From: 27/Jan/09
Full agree with the above post and thanks for starting it cool

Although i am doubly sure everyone would rather we didnt have to, i am possibly goint to rock the boat a bit here with my answer as it may seem a bit off hand but hear me out...

Deep breath and out hewre we go, ok i blame apart from the **** drug using, alchol dependant *** scum *** etc etc who are the daily blight on our legal citizens lifes who HAVE to have £100's a day in cold hard acsh to "Feed" their habit, and a government who refuse to lock them up, after offence after offence etc, these stealing robbing sum of the earth are being allowed to steal our property as they like so yeah they will case our vehicles, yeah they will think they can take what they want until our government wake up, stop paying billions for wars that have nothing to do with the ordinary citizens of this fair country of ours and start building more jails to house these people in dry them out and save us a lot of grief.

And almost as important but on the same thought process, may to many business trade users use both T4's and T5;s that are daily packed with goodie of high value to be stolen, now with many to many trade and business users also doing up their chosen ride it leave these stupid scum *** in a bit of a quandry as they are so stupid they are in actual fact most probably looking for tools and equipment found in business buses but are such that they have negated to notice the bus in this case yours doesn't have such and such company signwritting all the way down it, and is therefore most probably privately own and will have little of value in it, im not saying business users etc shouldnt have nice clean smart vasn im just saying its simply compounding the issues somewhat....

So after all that what are my words of wisdom on this, well what i do is simple i worry like hell, coz yeah it is my pride and joy, yeah it is my hobby and yeah it is my passion and like anything else we are passionate about we want to protect it as best we can, i have to say i do know where your coming from but i also have to say i think your a bit paraniod and probaby quite rightly,m what you might find is it is simply T4 lovers or becase the wheels are a bit different Black is the new chrome so not all that common yet, we all go through this, simply be sensible don't leave it anywhere dodgy, if you have to park it under a street light, in open view etc the usual make sure you have good set of wheel locks, and then relax and enjoy, as if you are going to constantly worry you will start to hate it and thus the fun will quickly go from it, at the end of the day i live with the premise like Chas if they want it they will get it, and the simple truth is this U WONT STOP THEM so take reasonable precautions and end it there.....

As for your missus being safe in your home thats different my family are still suffering from that one via a gang of teen agers who think they own our lovely countryside village, and like us we can do nothing as the Police simply will not act, they will not change them not even with witnesses to even a breach so we can build up an offence profile, so what can we do, fit video cameras all round our property?, take it into our own hands ? ignore it? suffer the damage they cause? the simpliest answer is all of the above in different measures.

In my eyes you absolutely MUST defend your own why? coz no one else will it really is that simple no one and i mean no one no matter cred, background, age or whatever should have to not feel safe in their own home, there are ways being so para as to not enjoy your home vehicle or whatever is not the way..


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Saturday, 24/Oct/09, 11.09 PM | Message # 5
Group: Members
Posts: 242
Status: Offline
From: 05/Jul/09
I have tired over the years the amount of crime people get away with sad
Policing in all areas is a joke,have heard that certain crimes are looked into by councils in the area
if the crime is minor,(like noise,family disputes etc)
If thats the case i've got more chance of being taken to court over non payment of rent/tax
than some scumbag doing my bus/home wacko

And what do the police say when informed about your break-in of your vehicle?
"You're insured aren't you" wacko Don't do enough if you ask me!
If you get involved in somone "doing yer bus/van you're more likely to get done
after the aforementioned "scumbag" tries to sue you surprised

Bottom line though is that you are insured so don't get paranoid over the loss of a marerial item
that can be replaced,it's the nearest and dearest you gotta think about.

There's alot you can do when you come across someone taking a shine to your pride and joy
but for fear of arrest or proscecution would not post on here wink

Rant over,back to enjoying life the best i can happy




Date: Saturday, 24/Oct/09, 11.52 PM | Message # 6
Lieutenant general
Group: Members
Posts: 773
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From: 24/Feb/09
i echo every thing that has been said above, the police are a joke dont know what we pay taxes for, some one broke in to my work shop and stole £40000 worth of equipment ( that i never got back ) he done a few weeks in prison just to get out and do it again, if i catch him it will be me doing the time, think they should just cut there hands off angry


Date: Sunday, 25/Oct/09, 1.42 PM | Message # 7
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
Its a no win situation as far as i can see, really if we are not able/allowed to protect our property then why bother, a mans home is his castle is it not? and if that home is his castle surely everything in it are his pride and joy, ie his missus, kids, property, vehicles etc etc, now if we were allowed to be the masters of our own destiny that would be different wouldnt it, what i would do would be thus...

Firstly i would build a 8ft fence right around my property, well at the road side anyway, around the back looks into feilds and has a beautiful view so wouldnt want to ruin it, so barbed wire topped mesh would do there, then electric gates to get in and out with, cameras on all corners pointing at the road, the cars, the house etc you get the idea, and last but not least a KILL switch so if any scum attempted to climb my fences they would get a non letahl buzz enough to make them not want to do it again lets say...the only problems here that i can forsee are the simple fact is that all of the above are totally ILLEGAL...

However the Prime minister and sevral of our high heed yins have much the same set ups with armed guards trained to shoot to kill where is the justice in this country, i will tell you shall i, simple its set in stone without a shadow of a doubt in protecting the juilty and most certainly not in protecting the innocent...Is my home properety and life not just every bit as valuable as Gordon Brown's or Tony Bl;airs or any one of several million others who are allowed to protect themselves in this way ???

I asked a short while ago about putting up CCTV around my home for several reasons not least beacuse i was being openly threatened by our local group of adolesent tubes on a regular basis, beacus ei phone dthe Police to try and get them stopped from playing football and using the sid eof my house and van as their goalposts, ever sinc emy life has been hell, i cant go out but i get pure abuse, very few other neighbours want wikll get involved although i have other witnesses and the Police won't charge them, our anti social behavour team can't react unless the Police charge them, this same gang have reeked havoc elsewhere in our village causing several thousand pounds worth of damage are well known for this type of behaviour yet i am not allowed to video them attacking me and my property, it is absolutely shameless, almost as if its a case of the videop doesn't lie so they would then have to take action, absolutely crazy and they wonder why there are vigilanty groups forming all over the place, is it really any wonder???
Why do they pick on me, simple it is a well known fact around these parts that i have MS it is no secret i have been seen falling, in a terrible state etc etc [but this is not a sympahise with me post not in the slightest], i only mention it to highlight the kind of people we are dealing with that they can only pick on the infirm, elderly and this younger than them, something has to be done about scum at all levels ethnic cleansing maybe but surely life is about more than constantly worrying about whats happening when your not there


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Wednesday, 28/Oct/09, 10.45 AM | Message # 8
Group: Members
Posts: 12
Status: Offline
From: 20/Oct/09
Your home should be the one place you can feel safe and secure and defending it should be a god given right (not a religious man myself but you get my point). I have a rottweiler that lives with my parents as when i moved in with my girlfriend, she has 4 cats and my dog has a dog like hatred of them so can't live with us. I wish she could as i would feel at ease when i'm away working as there is no bigger deterant than a big dog! But if someone got in the house, and she bit them which i know she would, the intruder could request the dog be put down!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!
I have done as much as i can with both security of my bus and also my home. I agree with you Chas that if they want it, they'll have it, and in so i guess the only thing i can do is to make sure they really, REALLY, want it. That unfortunately doesn't help my other half as she is petrified now and wants to move.
They just don't realise the havoc they create and if they do, they don't care which is even worse.


Don't annoy the duck!!


Date: Wednesday, 28/Oct/09, 12.35 PM | Message # 9
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
No let me tell you my friend what is worse is even if you do move the situation wont it will follow you, ITS EVERYWHERE so moving ain't the answer either i'm afraid wacko

My parents house was broken into, a few months back, via a downstairs window, at their front door varanda, [
big house affluent area of Glasgow] they have been in the same house 37yrs my mother was in bed upstairs at the time, my father in his second home, the Golf Club at 2pm in broad day light, anyway they refuse to have an alarm, my mother spends most of her time in bed, now had they of gotten into her room, found her, there what would of been the most likely outcome??? we obviouisly dont know but what i do know is, this it would likely of been not very nice, it frightened the be-jesus out of my family, yet mother seems uneffected by it all, they refuse to move saying they will come out of there with a wooden box only and they live in the area i was brought up in which until recently was a safe haven now sadly like everywhere else it has become as unsafe as the next...

The thing that gets me is if we were to be allowed to set up cctv like shops reseraunts etc do, we would likely catch these scumbags yet we are not allowed to wait for it incase we video some innocent person, surely if that person was innocent they would have nothing to fear from being on cctv, as in actual fact anyone working in any main city anywhere in our fine land is likely to be videoed several hundred times a week simply coming and going from their work, just another one of the UK's backwards thinking stupid beurocratic redtape waste of time laws in my view.... Hence i over insure myself, pay stupid dear premiums "Just In Case"

[Had 2 rotties once long long time ago, lovely beasts, [Bonkers, male, Stasha female], sad to say its hard to keep them also now due to society jumping up and down about devil dogs, which is clap trap, i had my 2 for several years along with with my kids growing up around them, no problems why? simple they were never left alone with the kids, i have several vids of my son/s on my male ones back but beleive me even then in the late 80's no one would come near their prams as the then missus walked down the road double buggy and a rotty either side biggrin ]


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Wednesday, 28/Oct/09, 2.37 PM | Message # 10
Major general
Group: Guest Members
Posts: 298
Status: Offline
From: 21/Mar/09
Quote (stewnjo)
(baseball bat might be a useful Christmas pressie!!)

From a legal point of view it's best not to keep baseball bats near your bed,front door etc because if you did end up using them & going to court over it they would be looked upon as weapons. angry

Now if you keep a large Mag light by your bedside just incase of power cuts, that would go more in your favour if you did happen to grab that in a defend yourself situation.


I married an Alien.


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