Yip likewise consider if you will i am on this computer from usually 10am right through to 4pm and sometimes longer beavering away keeping this lot running and ever other hour or so it shuts down on me for absolutely no reason.
Which is really annoying when you have written a whole page, and it for no reason it decides to shuts down on you, loosing that page completely.Remembering of course with web authoring of then type i do here i am working on live webpages making it even more infuriating if i have lets say just written a whole sequence of html and it goes down, i really need to source an alternative soon before i go crazy [or should that be crazier ] Fortunately i pre write in old fashioned pen and ink all my work anyways but i still loose several minutes in typing on average about i would hazard a guestimate at about at leat an half hour of work a day, which doesn't sound a lot i know, but mulitipy that by 6 days a week is 3 hrs multiply that by a month is 12hrs you see where im going with this, it equates to a lot of lost time, energy and my patience as it happens so regularly, and is wholly unable to be overcome..
Half an hour out of usually an 6 hr day is not a very good % really for what is acclaimed to be THE BEST
On top of which i have the Vista gremlin that is also not repairable that i am aware of where by everytime i shut my computer down my flash just disappears into thin air, and has to be reinstalled each time i need to use it, as does Shockwave i have posted on Adodes site and still await an answer reading their posts i am not the only one it would appear with this problem though which as yet has not found a cure....
To anyone considering installing Vista DONT wait until Windows 7 is a bit more stable and some of its gremlins are ironed out, my lappy running on XP is far more stable and in several years has never let us down NOT ONCE my main computer i am currently using has been reinstalled 6 times in as many months due to complete failures all my main data is held in data storage on an external hardrive and only used when required and immediately re backed up fortunately so my machine runs bare with no stored material to keep it as fast as is possible, which is just as well really or i would have lost the lot serveral times over, which is far from good, i think you would agree...