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Logo Banner And Header Ideas Please
Date: Wednesday, 18/Mar/09, 6.07 PM | Message # 1
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
We are asking for all active members if they are any good at artists , graffic designers etc to help us to design a logo header and banner for all the usual reasons so we can start to get a uniform identity as in all honesty my attempts at the header have not been brill, as my forte does not lie with graffics that is for sure.

So come on guys whats your thought remeber we need to encompass both T4 and T5 Transporters and all models as well all years all colours and all uses fun friednly sociable and FREE thinking caps on .......

The best as voted by us all will i promise be used as our logo etc could make you famous guys apart from which it would give us an identity when out and about

Keeping it simple as my friend at compare the merkat would say "simples" oe should that be compare the T4 Forum [och that was bad, i just got thumped for that remark!! cool biggrin


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Thursday, 09/Apr/09, 3.59 PM | Message # 26
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09

This would be our main banner for our front page and when advertising

Attachments: 6962906.gif (17.5 Kb)


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Thursday, 09/Apr/09, 4.03 PM | Message # 27
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
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From: 27/Jan/09

And this only the same as above without the white shadowing in as it is here T5 form and in T4 form for the relative T4 and T5 Club hompages

Attachments: 4171197.gif (28.5 Kb)


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Friday, 10/Apr/09, 8.00 PM | Message # 28
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09

T4 Club Logo for the likes of on the back of our vans per say

Although the one above [our main T4-T5] one on clear sticky plastic might look not to shady also with at the top and at the bottom.

Your thoughts pls !!!

Added (2009-04-09, 7:33 Pm)
Ok so know one noticed the main header has changed then just to add a bit more spice to the pot biggrin wink

Added (2009-04-10, 7:58 Pm)
Anyone got any comments on how the logo looks in place on our front page then ???

Attachments: 5400970.gif (2.2 Kb)


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Sunday, 12/Apr/09, 7.02 PM | Message # 29
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
Final T4 -T5 Club Uk header Banner

Final T4 Club banner header

Final T5 Club Banner header

Right guys whats the final on this happy or do we keep looking ???

Remember if we opt for this it will shortly be put out to sticker manufacturers to see if we can get a sample run and start getting them out there and maybe make some of the tail end shows this year

I am going to paly about and anyone else is welcome to do likewise to see if we can get the etc along the bottom of these as it seems to of been ommited
Sadly the kind chap who did them free gratis and for nowt had his beloved VW stolen last week and isn't really in the mood for doing anything now so would rather not upset him

Attachments: 9112876.png (47.6 Kb) · 1686139.png (44.5 Kb) · 0196299.gif (17.5 Kb)


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Sunday, 12/Apr/09, 7.42 PM | Message # 30
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
Possible sticker type idea ???

Anyone else do better

Added (2009-04-12, 7:15 Pm)
You know what i might consider changing the background of this site to white as it would make a lot of things far easier and would definately save both my and others eyesight biggrin

Added (2009-04-12, 7:42 Pm)
Need your views guys so we can put this one to bed victory

Attachments: 9740188.png (47.5 Kb)


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Sunday, 12/Apr/09, 8.49 PM | Message # 31
Major general
Group: Members
Posts: 311
Status: Offline
From: 20/Feb/09
smile They all look great Dougie, spoilt for choice, might have to buy a T5 as well!!! smile


Stewart & Joan
Living the Dream!!


Date: Sunday, 12/Apr/09, 11.58 PM | Message # 32
Lieutenant general
Group: Members
Posts: 773
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From: 24/Feb/09
looks good not sure about the bus


Date: Monday, 13/Apr/09, 12.20 PM | Message # 33
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
looks good not sure about the bus ??? expalin im lost they are all buses which one in particular


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Monday, 13/Apr/09, 2.44 PM | Message # 34
Lieutenant general
Group: Members
Posts: 773
Status: Offline
From: 24/Feb/09
all of them , looks better on the white back ground, i think a simple out lined one, or is that how its ment to be


Date: Tuesday, 14/Apr/09, 6.13 PM | Message # 35
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
Still not sure what you mean my man, but anyway due to the lack of anything else better to substute it for these ones gorra win hands down, and will be installed as of tonight, all going well in the correct places

Thanks to all who helped to get our logo ect this far

Especially a big thankyou to the wonderful talents of [drum roll pls] "Markie" from king friends newrus ohyes :ohyes: ohyes wizard yes

finally we can progress to other pressing issues likes of a leaflet for windowscreens of other T4's and T5's and a sticker [which i am investigating using the current T4 and T5 Club logos above for. if not to costly to reproduce short run, i will get back to you guys when i know about that one].

Ideas for a leaflet now guys.......


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Tuesday, 14/Apr/09, 7.15 PM | Message # 36
Lieutenant general
Group: Members
Posts: 773
Status: Offline
From: 24/Feb/09
just use business card from vistaprint, that's all we use for Durham Dubbers wink


Date: Tuesday, 14/Apr/09, 7.21 PM | Message # 37
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
Ray ??? are we talking about the machines in airports etc
As this wouldnt be to bad an idea possibly [shortrun anyway for now tongue ]


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Tuesday, 14/Apr/09, 7.51 PM | Message # 38
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09

Do we mean like this ??? if so i have just ordered some might be an idea for a £5 if we all did it exactly the same so they all look the same, and got busy with the putting out of cards everywhere we go this summer, particularily at shows etc biggrin

Attachments: 2052069.jpg (18.6 Kb)


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Tuesday, 14/Apr/09, 9.47 PM | Message # 39
Lieutenant general
Group: Members
Posts: 773
Status: Offline
From: 24/Feb/09
ive got none of our left, or i would take a pic of one and post it, that the sort of thing but more simple,


Date: Wednesday, 15/Apr/09, 4.01 PM | Message # 40
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
That is a stock one from Vistaprint 250 FREE and £4.53 postage, it's if we are talking about the same place.

The van in the pic although not a T4 or T5 but does resemble one, so we thought it would do nicely, it contains all the info needed, is clear, consise and would be able to be replecated by us all.

Simply as it is one of the first to choose from, in their Free section fitting the bill as far as i can see perfectly.

We need to try and keep a uniform look


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Wednesday, 15/Apr/09, 7.25 PM | Message # 41
Lieutenant general
Group: Members
Posts: 773
Status: Offline
From: 24/Feb/09
that will be the one surprised rolleyes once you've made an order they send ya load of promotion for free stuff hats pens sticker and such like biggrin


Date: Wednesday, 15/Apr/09, 8.37 PM | Message # 42
Major general
Group: Members
Posts: 311
Status: Offline
From: 20/Feb/09
That sounds good Ray. biggrin biggrin


Stewart & Joan
Living the Dream!!


Date: Wednesday, 15/Apr/09, 8.47 PM | Message # 43
Lieutenant general
Group: Members
Posts: 773
Status: Offline
From: 24/Feb/09
i get a email from them every day with another special offer, but some time you need to spend £20 or so to get it, that hard when ya just want the free stuff wink lol


Date: Thursday, 16/Apr/09, 12.48 PM | Message # 44
Group: Members
Posts: 5
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From: 15/Mar/09
Quote (t4club)
I think that this is quite simple is it not, given that all the white bits you are seeing will be opaque in the finished version, Thomas who did yours ??? as we are finding it really very difficult to get one done as i am not any good at such things cool

sorry for the long anwser time t4club, a menber of made my banner an we talk a lot of the design, the logo shut be in the banner, the member on my site is Ham38 ho dit my design with me talking about wat i wanted for the forum


Hilsen Thomas


Date: Thursday, 16/Apr/09, 3.52 PM | Message # 45
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
Thomas seeing as you know this Ham38 member of yours could you ask him to have a look at our current ones and see what he thinks of them although all are almost completed now sadly it sprobably a bit to late now but worth a proffesionals view i suppose biggrin

Added (2009-04-16, 3:52 Pm)
So we have the right place and a reasonable card to leave on windsceeens so anyone who wishes to give out cards to other T4 and T5 owners if they could be so kind as to copy the example above and start giving them out so as to try and get some of this years T4 and T5 show attenders.

[by the way the T4CUK is not included it is our picture identifier and should not be on the finished cards]

To re-coup go to
Pck free business cards the one i have used is shown third or fourth in the line
Useit input the info as above example with your name at teh foot in presented by if you wish you do not have to includ ethis bit nice to knwo who reffered who however.

Everytime you go to a show, see a nice T4 or T5 in a carpark, petrol station etc plonk a card on it's window it is the best way of getting new members, or leave some at your local Vw parts departments, local assesory shops and such like anywhere T4 or T5 owners are likely to go.


And all for the princely sum of £4.35 i think on slow post, sadly we have to ask you to arrange this yourselfs as to have these printed sent and delivered would end up costing far to much

But lets be fair £4 odds to attract more membs which is what we need to make our already great club a really brilliant one seems a great deal to me.

PLEASE DO NOT ALTER THE DESIGN ABOVE SO AS TO KEEP THEM ALL THE SAME OTHER THAN YOUR NAME OBLIOUSLY IF INDEED YOU ARE INCLUDING IT if you would rather i will upon request issue your member number that you could put on it instead.

Mine are on order as we speak all 1000 of them and will be distributed wherever i go that Transporters are about

Attachments: 3455442.jpg (18.6 Kb)


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Friday, 17/Apr/09, 7.13 AM | Message # 46
Group: Members
Posts: 5
Status: Offline
From: 15/Mar/09
i will give Ham38 the link to this thread, an i hope he will help you with the banner


Hilsen Thomas


Date: Friday, 17/Apr/09, 2.05 PM | Message # 47
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
Thomas we look forward to any help we can get as i feel it is so so important, to get a recognisable image, just like any good company which i have strived to acheive, sadly as i am only to happy to admit i am not able to do this myself and have relied on what little "Free" help i could muster i liek our current banners and headers if only they were opaque.


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Tuesday, 22/Sep/09, 5.58 PM | Message # 48
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09
This a draft header which has been compiled for our new look community, note it is not yet completed this may not quite operate as it will when completed it will also have the above the T5 and in smaller lettering whilst scrolling along the bottom something likes of The UK's Premier Volkswagen T4 and T5 Community Website and Forum Group Fun - Free - Friendly

Click just above here to see the header

Along with the following logo/stickers for putting on your bus windows.

Tell us what you think guys or would our driving T4 and T5 possibly look better driving in infront of our past header ie below

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T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Tuesday, 22/Sep/09, 5.59 PM | Message # 49
Group: Admin
Posts: 4789
Status: Offline
From: 27/Jan/09

Your thoughts gentleman please

Attachments: 2053890.gif (17.5 Kb)


T4/T5 Club UK and its domains are currently up for sale due to severe illness of its owner, if you beleive you have what it takes to run it get in touch TODAY (note the community is NOT at risk and will continue in any situation)


Date: Tuesday, 22/Sep/09, 7.36 PM | Message # 50
Group: Members
Posts: 242
Status: Offline
From: 05/Jul/09
Ido like the oval shaped stickers cool




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