Yip been in talks with Scottish Vanners Admin about this very subject Many beleive that it could/would work i would be happy to do my bit to make it happen Vanfest is just to far away as a day trip from anywhere in Scotland and far to expensive to boot
But more importantly far to restrictive for clubs to attend as a club somewhere in central Scotland would be ideal to suit and cut travel for all, at a cost we CAN AFFORD.... like i have said on many subjects surrounding the "scene"
is that certain bodies are after all only NO1 by virtue of the fact their is NOT another or they were first to do whatever big deal competiton in every walk of life is good and should be encouraged... More importantly Scotland really doesnt have a BIG VW show other than Biggar so its about time we did 1000% behind the idea happy as i say to be VERY involved in any such plans ....
However it has to be said many are show goers are wholy unaware of just what goes into arranging one of these shows let alone the legislation behind them, the health and safety implications and last but far from least the costs of liabilty insurance to stage such and event it is a major, major undertaking however if all the Scottish based van clubs got together and ran an all models vanfest it ABSOLUTELY WOULD WORK just needs someone with the cash to front it...