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T4 - T5 Club UK

Main » 2009 » October » 3 » Final Call For Octobers Features
10.24 AM
Final Call For Octobers Features
As a new month starts so does our feature run on T4 -T5 Club UK, with this in mind could we have anyones features who wish them included in any of our recurring monthies to be submitted no later than this time tommorrow please, i am still waiting on images requested from one entrant and some text from another, you both know who you are, without these i will be unable to complete on your personal feature/s, which would be such a shame given that you have will be now of done so much to complete it yourself.
For those who don't know we try to replace ALL features on our website every month, which is some undertaking from by us, which requires a lot of information, submissions and help from you guys, our members, to keep us rolling along, in an attempt to supply YOU the member with ever evolving features.
Currently we have no new submissions for the following features this month:
Members Bios - Custom T - Commercial Campsite - Product Spot, and a few others that can and will just have to wait, our community is only as good as we make it, so come on dig deep, lets see what we can manage to acheive this month, even if your chosen feature appears to of been covered this time around fear not send us the info, and the images anyway, as there is always next month, we prefer to be at least a month ahead anyway in any case!.
Send all feature submissions direct to us at
Ps - That includes submissions for our T-Tech Library which we now seek in advance of it being completed in the form of How To's, mechanical and electrical information, conversion plans, information, and help, manuals, images, brochures and any other help, advice or assistance ALL T4/T5 Transporter owners just couldn't live without.
Category: Website News | Views: 776 | Added by: Admin
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