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Main » 2010 » March » 3 » March 2010 Newsletter
5.22 PM
March 2010 Newsletter
Transporter Talk March 2010
Griezdale Meet 12th - 14th
Griezdale Meet 12th - 14th March see Support Your Community Join us-- Gang Not sure if all are aware our 2nd T4 –T5 Club meet is shortly about to take place to which all are cordially invited of course, whether for the day on the Saturday or Sunday we have a few things planned one of which is a trophy for the best overall van at the meet [a trophy supplied by the Admin of your community in recognition of all your hard work in preparing your vans for this meet, which will be a regular feature of all coming meets].. Your community needs you, the more we get the better chance we have of getting in the mags if we can get in the mags the more chance we have of getting and keeping new numbers thus we grow, thus we get better, thus we get more content… Hope to see you all there, if you would be so kind as to pop online and tell us at the above thread when you will be present, with us we would be obliged.../
Other News
We have just turned 1 yr old on the 21st of last month we have 1400 odd members and growing steadily, our pages are starting to buldge with information in all fields concerning T4 and T5 ownership, we always welcome news, new content and user participation in whichever way suits, whether by starting Build thread in our suitably named forum, maybe a "How To” on a task you have recently completed, or some images of your new T4 or T5, maybe you are selling your T4 or T5 or likewise selling or seeking parts, accessories or suchlike why not place a totally FREE advert with-in our community where both Trade and private members are able to do so……there is a wide variety of ways to become involved, we are currently seeking members who want to help us grow, if you have a skill whether it be web design, leadership, event organizing and a whole host of other interests or skills we want to hear from you, we urgently seek a female member to head up our Women’s eye view column depicting T4 –T5 ownership from the female perspective……there are truly 100 of ways you can be involved help us to grow log-in and join in today… Hope to meet you either online in one of our lively forums, our all new social club area or a specific interest forum, or of course at Griezdale for our 2nd meet ..
Dougie T4 –T5 Club UK
Category: Website News | Views: 842 | Added by: Admin
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