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T4 - T5 Club UK

Main » 2010 » May » 10 » May 2010 Transporter Talk
12.32 PM
May 2010 Transporter Talk
Transporter Talk May 2010
Generally month on month now we are building in both content and membership, this month sees the appointment of Rob our new club Secretary who i am sure all would agree will do us all proud in the coming months as he starts to make changes and helps me with a total reshuffle to make us more accessible and streamlined things are looking up now also on the logo front with plans a foot to get some made up for placing on our vans to let the world know we exist as we all go to every corner of the country to one or other show........
Our forum as always has its ups and downs but continues to provide a social area for us to meet in to plan meets and other events where we can if we wish all join in, whilst providing an area to discuss issues with our buses and chew over remedies to common and not so common problems we have to face as owners of our respective Transporters, with your help, assistance and participation we can easily now become the community we always had envisioned for T4 -T5 Club UK all it takes is a few entries per month which quickly builds into a veritable fountain of knowledge helpful and very useful when we need advice and guidance....
Build Guides
Our build guides forum is rather bare!! and needs some input, i reckon at least one other than myself must have a vehicle in build at present? if so why not share that experience with the entire community by adding a build guide to our suitably named section which then acts as a lasting account of your journey whilst also supplying valuable information for future builders at a later date who by virtue of reading your accounts will be able to pick up tips, tricks and remedies to common and not so common issues encountered by building custom, camper or one off vehicles such as these again which will we hope build up into a valuable resource, my own build guide is in its infancy with mine just out of paint last week and now heading for build up of its interior i hope to be able to produce real soon a full from start to finish guid ecovering all aspects of a build lookout for "Joiners Hack 2 Holiday Shack" coming real soon now which will have every step of the way covered in great detail for our avid readers to get stuck into..
Our community side is forging forwards also under Cgas's leadership where events up and down the country are currently being planned as well as group/community meets at other events/shows and gatherings throughout the show season, where we will have our own mini shows at shows we attend which is also a great way to get to know your fellow members whilst we build this community up into a large enough one to stage our own dedicated show sometime in the future....don't foget to take images of any T4's & T5's you see at these shows and send them on to for inclusion in our first show report for 2010...
Readers Rides
Our Readers Rides, Cutom T and other website features badly need your Transporters for featuring we accept all T4 and T5 Transporters for these and many other of our features so no matter what model you drive help us to spread the word, offer yours today and "Claim The Fame" by having yours in a full colour, full page feature right here amongst your peers, adding to our already featured vehicles for times to come when we will look back and be able to view all our featured rides in months and years to come to ensure yours is amongst those we feature send your details to today to recieve our application questionaire or indeed write entirely your own feature if you would rather..
TOTALLY FREE OF CHARGE advertising is offered to both trade and our members alike in several areas with only a few basic rules of conduct to follow to obtain it, which is very underused, we would love to see far more use made of this valuable area which after all also brings extra hits to our sister site our Shopping Mall, which in turn brings more visitors which in turn equates to more members a commodity we do still require so come on guys raid the garage, shed or loft and seek out those unwanted Transporter or camping related items and get them posted at the end of the day it will not sell if no one knows about it now will it ?? private members ads can be added straight to the relevant sections Trade ads please send all to us at for acceptance first where upon if suitable will be added to the correct sections as soon as time allows, please do not waste your time adding trade ads to our forums as they will quite simply be immediately removed....
Sign out
We are confident that as we grow with our new team and our new members adding daily to our content that 2010 will be our year, it will be the year we make a mark, show who we are and start providing that one off experieince that was envisioned from day one, help us to acheive this participate as often in anyway you can with the overall community, which will aid our growth emmensely add images, forum posts, for sale ads, wanted ads, and putting your bus up for a feature all add to our appeal and attract new members, we after all operate for you our members so help us to make this community the best there can be, until next time, have a great May weekend when it comes make use of your buses whilst teh weather is good and dont forget to send us the images of you enjoying your Transporter for our galleries or create a Travelogue with them, which is another great way to get involved..
As always if you have any comments, suggestions or ideas to better our current offering please do not be shy address these to our new club Secretary Rob at or via our usual address at until nest time happy Transporting ...........
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