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T4 - T5 Club UK

Main » 2010 » December » 27 » Transporter Talk December 2010
5.08 PM
Transporter Talk December 2010
Transporter Talk
December 2010
Dear Member

First off and on behalf of all the team at T4 – T5 Club UK
We would like to wish all our valued members a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year... When they duly arrive….
It may just be that the majority of the country is currently snowbound, I know we are with as I write this around 1.5ft of lying snow on the roof of my motor home and unable to move it currently but let’s not be downhearted, let’s use this spare time we have to better and add to our community ahead of some changes early next year, we need all your this year’s information, submissions, images and suggestions to the usual addresses please for inclusion let's proverbially together make haste whilst we can as they say….
Thank & Praise Round-up
A big thank you firstly to all our members who have donated information, time and energy to our cause whether via forum posts, attending one of our meets or in some other way, without this type of generosity, your community simply could/would not happen.
Likewise our thanks are due please be upstanding for [drum roll please] to the two hardest working members here-in [next to myself of course] who operate on your behalf as first off - Social Convener [Listensqueak – Known to most as Chas] and our equally hardworking Secretary [RS Rob – known to most as Rob] who tirelessly work to both promote and arrange our meets, whilst supplying never ending streams of both technical advice and wit, as well as a million of other tasks with-in the back ground of your community it goes without saying these guys are indeed much needed and respected members in our community without which the community simply wouldn’t be here, along with a max respect to my long suffering partner Yvonne, who some have met and will therefore know puts up with me living T4 –T5 Club UK every single day of life for the past 2.5yrs [a medal should be cast for her alone] and lastly but far from least our official photographer "Azz” who takes our photographs when we are out and about at all the various meets/shows we attend, and not of course forgetting Jim Our Logo Designer for all his hard work.
Thanks and praise indeed is asked for a variety of members in the trade who have supported us all throughout this past year, in a variety of ways, to those willing to allow us to product sample to those who supply us with technical information, both practically and in written forms, big up to each and of course everyone of you, all of whom know well who you are, in particular to Danbury our main clubs sponsors for the second year now running and to several others from throughout the past years. all of which has gotten us this far. CHEERS.... [the big news is we are working alongside a new sponsor for 2011, details of which will follow when completed, that without doubt will help us immensely through 2011 to become better known, used and recognised, look out for details to be duly announced shortly]
Continued Growth
Our community is undoubtedly growing day on day, month on month and gaining ground now and new members as we do so, this coming season 2011, will see us out and about bigger and better than we have before with a whole new vigor, new meets, new events, new branding with club merchandising on its way to show the whole of the UK what we are and what we are about, help us to do just that by making better use of your community, thus showing new members or visitors just exactly what they are missing by not being a part of our happy, sociable, friendly but most of all equal community.
It is with great pleasure we announce a change to our previous events/meets schedules with all new themed regional meets alongside our usual general club meets and shows with-in shows we carried out last year, the completed timetable/events list is not yet ready but when it is we suggest that if you are interested in any particular meet/event you get your name down as soon as possible for them to avoid disappointment, we really need to see more members attending however to make these meets worthwhile carrying out, with numbers last year, not spectacular it’s up to you guys if you want meets you have to attend them by doing regional’s its hoped in that they should then be far closer to you so that more should attend, it takes a lot to arrange such meets so please if at all possible attend your local meets and support your Regional Convener, it is often not only a themed meet but a chance to get together talk Transporters swap ideas, see each other’s modifications in real time and practically assist one another with a whole raft of issues, let alone some of our round the campfire times are now legendary to say the least…… if you have not yet attended one feel free to drop in even as just a day visitor to any we host this coming year, details will be posted in due course in our all new T4 – T5 Club Camping Forum [It pretty much goes without saying that If our meets/events are not supported they might have to be forgotten about altogether which would be a grave shame as many have so enjoyed the ones we have had immensely, if for no other reason than to slag off me its truly worth the effort]
Forum Content
I am sure all will agree there are some excellent pieces of information now gathering in both our "How To” sections and likewise in our growing "Library” section, all of which is great research materials for all new and likewise experienced owners alike, with little to no real usable manuals available for our models we have to rely on each other for such information which is why the "How To” section is very important, to be able to help each and every owner of each and every model to overcome and repair, modify or better their chosen model whatever the particular task they require information upon our aim is to cover every task required to keep our vehicles on the road however menial! as not everyone has the same levels of basic knowledge and may require assistance with any number of tasks hence we ask that ALL areas, ALL tasks large and small are transformed into "How To’s” as you carry them out, [it takes a little of your time to take step by step images and write about what you are doing we fully appreciate that but it helps so many that it really is so worth doing] so what are you waiting for?? Whilst in the winter months with little else to do help us to help us all by getting your How To’s and other Information sources off to us today, it’s only by all contributing that we can grow to be able to supply answers to the majority of posters questions, and thus be able to help those owners, without doubt "FREE” knowledge sharing is what it is all about, and definitely what we are all about.
As most already know we offer totally FREE advertising to both Trade and private members alike we continually seek any individuals wishing to seek or sell in any of the following categories, Vehicles [T4 –T5] Parts/Access [T4 –T5] Camping and a "Freecycle” forum to give stuff away to your fellow members all of which still remains woefully unused, this area of your forum content is open to all to view you do not require to be a member to do so, but only members can post into it, the trade will so very shortly have their own Free Advertising area in our "Shopping Mall” with all our main forum sales area being open it means that all the main search engines will pick up your ads which does two things A – it brings us lots more hits and potential members, and B- it brings more viewers to your adverts. So come on guys don’t post all your items elsewhere, post them in your own Transporter community and help us by helping yourself.
Our long awaited "Shopping Mall” feature is on track finally for completion early in the new year after a series of hick-ups and setbacks it will now definitely be going ahead as intended with a vast array of interesting, useful and keenly priced items [some with specific discounts just for our members] look out for news of this very soon after the new year also.
Submissions/Help Offered
As a members community we rely solely upon members submissions and advice being spread through our members via our meets, forum and other community activities however without a constant stream of such materials it is nigh on impossible to get and keep members interested whilst we understand many will only want a question answered now and again it is so very important that all post as much as possible as often as possible to keep the content growing and ever changing keeping up interesting streams for all types, ages and subjects in all age groups, if we don’t yet cover what you may want to see, talk about or know with-in our community do not hesitate to ask us to include it, and if used well enough after a trial period it would be included fulltime thereafter, in this way we can now grow a fully mouldable community around our members aspirations to be what they want it to be after all it is for you our members, so come on guys don’t be shy, if you have something to say? Something you would like to see added or something that you specifically think would add to our overall appeal feel free to let us know about it by simply dropping us an e-mail to  [heading your said mail "community suggestions”]
Likewise if you have a particular craft, skill or trade that you think could benefit our community in anyway shape or form, or likewise you think you yourself have a skill we could benefit from making use of, we would love to hear from you simply write us a quick bio telling us about yourself, what you could do to help us and email it to us at [note all positions from the top right to the bottom are free-gratis non paid positions working together for a better community]
And last but far from least we are always in need of members starting and updating of their "Readers Rides”, "Build Guides” and other submissions they may have made previously, if you have not yet got around to completing a post in our "Introductions Forum” it is a pleasant way to introduce yourself to the community telling us a bit about yourself, your interests, where you hail from, your vehicle maybe hobbies all in a friendly sociable way adding your first name as we like to refer to each other by first names as most friendly sociable forums would surely expect.
All then that is left to now say is to wish one and all a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year when it duly comes along and ask that you do not forget your community during the festive season/break when your posts would be appreciated, I will be about everyday during the season and look forward to speaking either directly or indirectly to you then.
For now a have a great one hope Santa brings all you desire, season’s greetings to one and all
Thank you all for your support of the site over the last 12 months.
Dougie Founder – Webmaster - Editor T4 –T5 Club UK
Category: Website News | Views: 1012 | Added by: Admin
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