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Main » 2010 » June » 7 » Transporter Talk June 2010
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Transporter Talk June 2010
Transporter Talk - June 2010
Latest Details HERE
The T4/T5 Club community as always rumbles on regardless of figures, hits, posts or indeed threads by a core group of our Stalwarts who religiously every spare minute make available useful information for us all, we quite rightly applaud each and everyone of you, for your continued support and input, however it seems once again this month even although our figures are all speadily rising that there seems far more taking than ever giving?? why is this we wonder, to this end i have today contacted a proffesional company who are going to look over ALL that we supply in an attempt to find the answers to why this might be, off course we shall immediatly act upon any recommendations made by these experts in their field.
We are a caring, sharing community trying to provide FREE services to ALL old or new Transporter owners however it seems again that far to many are extra happy to us eour community to research their chosen subject upon yet not so happy to provide information, which is the exact opposite of what we intended this community to be, therefore before the final conclusion is announced in about 2 weeks time lets all push to add more posts, more threads and add more images, content and such like to prove them all wrong, i know we can with you our members help..
Chas [Listensqueak] and Rob [RS Rob] have worked tirelessly in obtaining a pitch for us with-in the club camping area at BVF this year sadly you are now to late to book for camping in it but can still come along as day visitors none the less which we hope you will do giving us a chance to put faces to names which is always a good thing, we will have on hand throughout the weekend members from our community trying to add awareness of our community by distributing leaflets, business ccards and such like to any T4/T5 drivers they may meet on their travels so if you are available please do come along and join us all at British Volkswagen Festival in Malvern........Chas and Rob will be there all weekend and will be happy to grab a seat up for you offer you a beer and chat away all day to you if that is what you want, both are knowledgeable in most fields and will do all they can to make you feel at home, the team home to see friends old and new at this wonderful event..
The most up to date details on this event can be found HERE 
We must be doing something right as this last month alone we have had no less than 5 core T4/T5 Transporter companies come forward to enquire about advertissing with us on our "Shopping Mall" feature which offers totally FREE advertsisng to any and all T4/T5 Transporter related business whether supplying parts, panels, clothing, accessories or mechanical, body, wheels/tyres etc services if it is to do with any model of either T4/T5 Transporter it would be of interest to our feature presentation, where it is intended to showcase only the absolute best of the best available to us as consumers with this in mind our "Shopping Mall" is currently down whilst we add the new companies to it.....
Due praise should be availed to our new club Secretary Rob [RS Rob] for his valiant efforts in securing some suberb discounts with some top line suppliers for us all of which will be revealed soon.
We are also currently seeking a core sponsor for next season, if you think your Transporter related company has what it takes to be our core sponsors which will earn you the rights to a full 2 page mini website with-in our community and hyperlinks at every oppurtunity!! feel free to email us HERE telling us exactly why you beleive you can help us, what you can bring to the table and what sort of discounts you would be willing to offer our members, thee who waits misses great oppurtunities do it today...
Likewise if you operate a business in anyway connected to our models supplying either goods or services that we as owners could anddo make use off feel free to contact us to ensure you get a full page feature in our one off "Shopping Mall" space that operates from its own domain allowing for twice the hits, equating to twice the potential revenue and all FREE OF CHARGE space is off course limited so be sure to contact us today and get yourself second to none advertising before your competiton do so as you know they will, we are only showcasing the best of the best with a few entries in each category, be sure your comapny is one of the ones we use... contact us today HERE telling us brief details about your service for a rapid responce
More general Advertising details can be found HERE
Holidays 2010
We are all doubtless booking or have booked our summer holidays for this year by now, if yours like ours includes the use of your T4 or T5 we want to hear from you, we will in the Autumn be starting a series of "Holidays with a T" features where we intend showcasing holidays we have all been on that included our Transporter whether that Transporter be a minging works van that toured France or a prestine new model T5.5 that took your family to Alton Towers we want the whole unabridged story complete with all your photographs including the van and not, or better still write your own Travelogue with this as its core subject detailing wehre you went, the ups, and downs of this trip and whether you would do it again, the mileage travelled, the costs incurred, etc etc all the information a Transporter owner might need is=f intending carrying out the same or a similar tour, so before you set off on your hols this year be sure to pack plenty of SD cards for your camera and a pad and pen to take notes for your materpiece when you return home, after which either send the completed work or your notes, wording and imagery direct to us a headed Travelogues [note all will be included]
General Submissions Are Down
It is yet again sadly the case that submissions are indeed generally down throughout the entire community in all areas, in order to survive we ask for no monetary assistance only that our members contribute to our overall community by way of adding images, posts and threads, or by submitting their personal vehicle for a Readers Rides feature, maybe add a for sale notice or in any number of other ways please ensure you do your bit today, however small it may be every single post answered poll addeded to or advert submitted, along with every image sent, every feature applied for allows our content to change and helps us build an image of ever changing content that we have strived to supply, nowhere else do you get so much for so little so come on guys help us to help the entire community and submit something to us that we can use somewhere in our community today, by sending your content HERE
This concludes our Transporter Talk for June until next time have a safe motoring month, be sure to regularily look in, join in and contribute we are only as great as our members want to make us after all....
Category: Website News | Views: 1082 | Added by: Admin
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