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T4 - T5 Club UK

Main » 2010 » October » 2 » Transporter Talk - October 2010
3.15 PM
Transporter Talk - October 2010
Transporter Talk October 2010
Again week on week month on month our figures are rising more and more are joining us yet still few really contibute which remains both a mystery and a worry ? we can see no more really that we can do to aid this, make it more inviting or indeed help/make people contribute, we are of course very well aware others provide similar communities to our own not without their respective issues i have to add, so far none of which we have noticed or indeed suffered even on teh whole remaining a family friendly sociable community for all ages and all models of both T4 and T5 which we will continue to do whether for one or one hundred big numbers of members do not mean a big community, all it means is that either they have been here longer or had more money to advertise we offer the exact same if not more and will carry on regardless, hopefully growing still further by supplying the information toatlly free the way it was supposed to be.....
After seeing off our fourth meet and our second at Griezdale in the lakes this past weekend where all who attended had a great old time it was nice to see Stan finally at one of our meets his knowledge and wisdom was definately welcomed without a shadow of a doubt and will continue to be im sure in the coming months i beleive Charlie our Social Convenor may be attempting to organise maybe one last meet this season details will be available in our events section if it is possibe ..... Nothing is definate as yet but we hope it will come through acting as the finale to a interesting year and encouragement for all to back us through the winter months ahead of what we hope will be a busy season finding us at many of the big shows up and down the country in 2011.
The Admins managed to have a good old talk at Griezdale and part decided a format to run to at these meets which has still to be finalised but it is hoped will encapsulate all who attend and provide interest, and fun for all attendees [Anyone who has experience of operating such meets/shows or events i would dearly love to pick your brains feel free to let me know your presence by e-mailing me at]
Rules & Regs Update
New rules & Regs supplement was added to our online rules and regs to cover us when we are out at meets, or attending shows and such like i would urge every member intending to attaned any of our meets to make sure they are familiar with these before attending these can be found by hitting the tab in your forum entitled Rules ....... Set to ensure everyones safety and our continued success... 
For Sale Section..
Our For Sale sections seem to be slowly getting used a bit more with currently 2 vehicles for sale my very own Ice Queen and Blue Juices T4 Conversion both offering excellent value for money choices if you have a vehicle or parts for sale feel free to add your items totally Free of charge on a hold till sold basis advertised both here in our community forums and also externally via clever use of keywords and spidering domains to ensure your add is picked up in search engines also, a really good FREE and painless way to sell of your unwanted vehicles and parts/accessories we also allow a few other items to be sold or sought so why not check the garage,shed or loft today and clear out all your unwanted goods, which possibly could be anothers gold, with-in our members sales section is a forum to be green by offering unwanted items FREE on a Freecycle basis which is also FREE to make use off saving items of any type from landing in landfill sites..
FUN - FREE - FRIENDLY services supplied only by T4 - T5 Club UK
Traders Advertising
Our Trade advertisisng section our Shopping Mall is currently nearing completion as i type sadly a bit behind schedule due to other constraints on our valuable time, however with the finishing touches now being put to it, we would urge ALL traders in any sort of goods, parts, accessories or services aimed at T4 -T5 Transporter drivers to get in touch to make use of our TOTALLY FREE advertising medium NO OTHER similar community offers TOTALLY FREE advertising anywhere on theri sites far less a full colour page mini website to advertise your goods/services uponwhich can be cahnged as often as youlike to showcase vehicles, specail offers or seasonal changes comes complete with full phone, web and e-mail links back to your own site/s and is avaialble to advertise any items in the categories we have set and but a few exceptions all are welcome to be a part of this new inovative and FREE service. Do not be fooled this is no linkfarm, mass advertising excerise or other con it is quite simply the best FREE offer you as traders are ever likely to obtain worth in excess fo several £100's else where we only include the absolute best of the best on a wholly limited basis so get in while you can as not only do you get prime advertisisng space with-in our rapidly growing community but this new venture will when complete be running under our volkswagen-transporter doamin picking up external hit from the two main keywords from around the world, on ever search engine which can only bring you more hits = more customers = more trade which can't surely be bad ........ If you have not currently already shown an interest in our Shopping Mall please be sure to now before your competitors do, we still have vacancies in a couple of sections all of which have a max of 5 entrants only be part of this no cons, no cost service brought to you only by T4 -T5 Club UK by e-malling us initially at full details
Winter Is Coming
And do we all know it with temperatures rapidly dropping almost daily it's time to check your anti-freeze and windscreen wipers for sure, get a service maybe or put right the faults that niggeled away alls ummer before covering your machine for another winter to unveil it again in the summer, or at least it would be if you didn't drive a Volkswagen anyway as most of our Transporters are used as our everyday vehicles not many manufacturers can claim that can they however by the very nature of what that entails with more mileage more wear and more abuse it really is time to give them all a once over checking its vital stats are all fine and everything is operating as it should, in so doing if you find you have any repair jobs, or maintenance required to be carried out now is definately the time to be doing this, before any snow or ice hits our country, whilst doing so keep your notebooks and cameras in hand and help us to compile a "How To" on whatever the task is you are involved with, costs involved, tools required followed by skill level time taken and step by step photo, written steps until completed helping su to help other users coming in to our fold just think how useful guides like this would be to you, before you attempted to maintain or repair your Transporter, feel free to either add your guides direct to our "How To" section in our forums or alternatively send these direct o me at i will happily add them on your behalf.
We as a community continually seek images of both your own personal Transporter/s or ones you have seen at shows, meets or just out and about, to keep our front page members role of honour constantly changing, to add to our image galleries or to help when making up editorials etc all images of all T4 & T5 models in any state or build to your immaculate show vehicles are required for these sections feel free to send us these to inclusion ...
And to end with the team would like to thank all for your continued support, which we trust will continue on through the winter months as we all try to get past the cold, wet dark nights awaiting spring once more to get back out to more meets, events and just generally making the fullest use out of our respective vans .......  
During these wet cold dark unfriendly nights why not spend some of your time online with us starting a "Build Guide" or compiling some "How To's" or in strating some imformative threads there is a whole variety of other ways and help both our information and content to grow along with keeping us current, if indeed you have not yet posted as many members have yet to do, let us assure you we do not bite, we are generally a friendly helpful sociable community able and willing to help if and where we can so feel free to pull up a pue and join in what sometimes is happy, sometimes sad, always useful information sharing at its best in our everyone is equal community a rare comodity nowadays.
Yours The T4 - T5 Team
Category: Website News | Views: 1445 | Added by: Admin
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