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Main » 2010 » August » 30 » Transporter Talk September 2010
3.36 PM
Transporter Talk September 2010
Transporter Talk September 2010
Another month has passsed our re-vamp, and other changes apparently agreeing with most, we are now concentrating upon our Shopping Mall feature which will we have live this month all is moving along as anticipated in the right way now thankfully, member activety is growing month on month as is useage making everything we now do far more worthwhile, as we progressed through this past month the Admins had our eyes firmly on our Autumn meet which has just this past weekend been to which all whom attended enjoyed and a are equally looking forward to our coming Sept meet back at Griezdale in The Lake District once more [details in our events forum as usual] and so on with another month of T4 -T5 ing ......
Our next event will be back in The Lake District where we had a great meet last March and where we are again looking forward to meeting up once more around the campfire Griezdale site is in the heart of The Lake District 12 miles from Ambleside and close to Windemere and the other Lakes there-in making it an ideal location to come visit us and also do your own thing if you dont want to spend the entire weekend with us it is an excellent area for walking, cycling, watersports amongst many many more, the number of attendees to this looks to be our hieghest yet so if interested get your name down and book with the site NOW ......
We as always seek your image and information submissions all of which help to build on our already available information and galleries sections, personal experiences and cures winning hands down over any book, manual or suchlike, all are further encouraged to start a "Build Guide" detailing your build, from start to finish which not only serves as a lasting account of your Transporter journey but also to encourage others to try it all themselves by seeing what other "normal" folk such as us have tried and managed to succeed in completing many opting for the D.I.Y route as their only real way into the very rewarding campervan - day/ surfbus ownership ranks, so come on guys, send us what you have for adding today to
Add Your For Sale Ads FREE
That's right you read that tiutle right we from day one have offerd FREE for sale/wanted advertising to all our members whether to sell or seek your ultimate Transporter or parts there for we openly encourage all to make use of this section with-in our forums, on a use it or loose it basis, some say our forums are to big, to long and to lengthy to this end The For Sale section takes up a lot of space and will be removed next month if not made better use off, so why not give it a try today you have nothing to loose and a great deal to gain from it ......
So until next time wishing all a safe, happy and fruitful Transporter experience
T4 - T5 Club Admins
Category: Website News | Views: 1112 | Added by: Admin
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